
This is a short description how to create a new Lab2 menu to the functions palette in LabView. Unfortunately, the procedure is not foolproof. However with some basic knowledge of LabView the setup can be carried out without too many problems. First, unpack the Lab2 directory somewhere to your harddisk. Afterwards follow the instructions below and the next time you run LabView the Lab2 menu is available.

LabView V8.X

  1. Start LabView and open a new project.
  2. Click TOOLS on the layout window (the one with the white background), choose ADVANCED, and then EDIT PALETTE SET...
  3. Click with the right mouse button on an empty space (at the bottom) in the FUNCTIONS window and select INSERT and SUBPALETTE.
  4. A window entitled INSERT SUBPALETTE appears. Click LINK TO AN EXISTING PALETTE FILE (.MNU) and OK.
  5. A dialog box appears asking you to select the correct menu file. For that purpose change to the local Lab2 directory and select the 'lab2.mnu' file.
  6. Now, the Lab2 icon should appear in the functions window. Activate the EDIT CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS PALETTE SET... window (it may be behind the layout window) and select SAVE CHANGES.
  7. In case Lab2 VIs have problems loading subVIs add the Lab2\llb\* path to the LabView VI search paths. To do this click TOOLS and OPTIONS and select the category PATHS from the list at the left. From the drop down menu select VI SEARCH PATH and use the BROWSE button to add the Lab2 path to the list.

LabView V7.X

  1. Start LabView and open a new project.
  2. Click on TOOLS on the layout window (the one with the white background), choose ADVANCED and then EDIT PALETTE SET...
  3. Click with the right mouse key on an empty space (at the bottom) in the FUNCTIONS window and select INSERT and SUBMENU.
  4. A window entitled INSERT SUBMENU appears. Click LINK TO AN EXISTING MENU FILE (.MNU) and OK .
  5. A dialog box appears asking you to select the correct menu file. For that purpose change to the local Lab2 directory and select the 'lab2.mnu' file.
  6. Now, the Lab2 icon should appear in the function window. Activate the EDIT CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS PALETTE SET... window and select SAVE CHANGES.

LabView V6.X

  1. Start LabView and open a new project.
  2. Change to the diagram window, click the right mouse button, and pin the FUNCTIONS menu by pressing the 'needle' in the top left corner.
  3. Then press the OPTIONS button in the FUNCTIONS window.
  4. Press EDIT PALETTE, move the mouse to a empty place on the window, and press the right mouse button. Select INSERT and then SUBMENU. Click on the button LINK TO AN EXISTING MENU FILE (.MNU) and press OK.
  5. Now a dialog appears asking you to select the correct menu file. For that purpose enter your LabII directory and select the 'labII.mnu' file.
  6. Close the window and press SAVE CHANGES.